One of the many questions about our new old house is: WHY FABRIC ON THE CEILING? DIY 1935..."Hey Betty, I found this great fabric at the feed store today...think I want to put it on the ceiling." "Girl, that will make the party line FOH SHO." Cristi (a fellow hard core DIYer, not afraid of hard work friend) and I picked a nice hot summer afternoon to start taking the fabric OFF of the ceiling and you won't guess what we found. WALLPAPER! "Betty, didn't you just put wallpaper on the ceiling in 1927?" "Yes, but that was so 8 years ago!" It was nailed and glued. Oh and nasty. But I got a very cool shot of the fabric blowing in the wind. Or maybe that was the ghosts walking through it. If ya know me, you know scary movies are my fav and I plan to scare as much people as I can that comes to visit. Focus.... here is what I need from yous, you guys, yalls....What do I put on the ceiling?