We found our house...it's in Buda, Texas. Built in 1928...with all its cuteness and charm. But then we found a different house. One that didn't any work at all. One that had a new pipes, floors, A/C, PAINT on the walls. We were 2 hours too short in putting in our offer. Really God said, "Nope, I have a house for you and it's in Buda! " And then he said, "get ready to work and take cold showers.....oh, be ready for all the love and support you will ever need!" I have to stop a give props to all my homies. (Trying to be all hard because I am really so filled with thankfulness I tear up every time I think of everything you all have done for us.) Watching our kids, paint parties, brought dinner, listen to me dream of the possibilities and worry about all the set backs. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And Cody, thank you for knowing my heart. For believing in my dreams. Ok, here are much waited for photos of OUR house in Buda. And any suggestions on repairs please leave in the comments.