ModBarn Designs » cork board
We Found the House... #BudaHouse #OldHouse
Jul 09, 2014
We found our house...it's in Buda, Texas. Built in 1928...with all its cuteness and charm. But then we found a different house. One that didn't any work at all. One that had a new pipes, floors, A/C, PAINT on the walls. We were 2 hours too short in putting in our offer. Really God said, "Nope, I have a house for you and it's in Buda! " And then he said,

Fabric Garland Banners #Fabricgarland #FabricBanner
Jan 26, 2014
I Love Em, I love Em, I Love Em! (In my Molly Shannon SNL character voice)
They are just too cute not to make. And it truly is addicting! I finished my first garland and ran to show Goaty Cody (My husband's show name) and he nods...turns his head and says, "cool but what do you do with it?" WRONG QUESTION unless you have an hour to spare. I proceeded to show him all the ways you could hang it, and dress it up, and take photos with it and drape it...and and and and....he still wasn't impressed. Doesn't matter...he is a boy. And sometimes boys are stupid. ;)
Both garlands are just about short of 5 ft, end to end of the strings. And my price is undetermined at the moment. I looked up what others are charging on Etsy and it kinda scared me. Really high in my opinion. So, we will see....what do you think they are worth? Think of fabric, string, and my time cutting and arranging...not my time trying to convince Goaty that girly frilly garlands are super cool and fun.

My color pick for #2014. #hometrends #picoftheday
Jan 03, 2014
I love Pinterest...literally changed most of our lives. Although 25% of me is still old school and I love to thumb through magazines to find inspiration. I am going to let you in my office a bit. And just to make you feel better I will show you that even my house isn't completely decorated. You can see my half painted wall and frames with no photos. My business kinda blew up in the middle of this remodel. (Thanks to you guys:)
I am going to half agree and disagree with Project Runway: All Stars for naming "Radiant Orchid" the color of 2014. Radiant Orchid is a dusty pink-ish purple....I am leaning more towards coral and salmon. More of a pink than red. These are not my photos and I honestly don't know any of the peeps in the pictures, just wanted you to see how you can use coral as a accent color or a main color in your room. Notice in a lot of the photos they have paired coral with grays and charcoals...of course, white too! Clean, crisp, pretty.

Number 1 Request .....#upcycledfurniture #Austin
Jan 01, 2014