After 2 rounds of steroids from a spider fight, renovations on our 1928 new old house, and a whole summer with 3 kids, 2 dogs, and a handsome man in a studio size guest house, I NEEDED A BREAK! Won't even talk about the lighting in the bathroom. I reached out to other blogger friends to find out what conferences or events were happening this fall and found out about The Hundred Event. Perfect.
ModBarn Designs » Upcycled
I am bringing it back! #Wallpaper #BuyStock
Jul 16, 2014
Well, I am making the wallpaper go away and then I am going to bring it a very Darcy Pearl way. Both guest houses on the property are head to toe covered in horrible wallpaper. Even the light switches.
American Paint Company #Chalkpaint @AmericanPaintCompany
Jul 13, 2014
It all makes sense!!! Why didn't I think of this before....I am now selling chalk paint from American Paint along with the waxes, stains, and brushes. The paint is all natural, zero VOC, eco-friendly and solvent free. So, no worries...paint that crib and dresser for your nursery. I will add tutorials as I finish pieces.

Should we move? #moving #wideopenspaces
Jul 08, 2014
Uhm, yeah!!!
Summer of 2013, Cody and I started talking about moving from South Austin to a place where I had more space to work and the boys could run. I had already rented storage space for all my inventory and was tired of cleaning off the kitchen island to prepare dinner. Not to mention the looks and little comments from the nicest neighbors. They love the smell of spray paint! We decided spring of 2014 would be the best time to start looking for financial reasons and my business slows a little but I never slowed. (Thanks to yall :) )
I needed an office to meet clients, open space to paint and some sort of storage for inventory....oh and within our budget! That's a tall drink order! (is that the right saying?)
So, we began the process. Here are pictures of the house we sold.

The Customer Who Had It All... #interiordecorating #buttloadsofantiques
May 08, 2014
Get ready for a novel....Part 1 of 5 or maybe 6.
Vada emailed Kasey and I explaining that she had bought a house in August of 2013 and wanted our help to finish decorating. Before we scheduled a time to meet, we asked if we could look at her Pinterest account to get a feel for her style. Pinterest is a perfect tool to use for that purpose. Our first thoughts, "we got this!" Vada's style is "Hashtag". Antiques used in modern designs to create a clean homey environment.
The reason I titled this post "The customer who had it all" is because Vada had collected or inherited old pieces of nostalgia and antiques that Kasey & I treasure hunt for everyday. You will see what I am talking about in the next few posts.
Vada wanted a complete dining room, living room, breakfast nook, and entry way. We decided on a blue paint for the dining room walls and a light gray paint for the rest of the house. While Vada painted the walls and I think her husband took the SOME light switches down, Kasey & I started on the space planning for each room and working on a budget. We knew we would save alot of money by using the amazing antiques Vada already had for the small decorations and tchotchkes, so our first mission was to find the big furniture pieces.
Here are the before photos:
(these were taken with my oh so sad iPhone 4 so please excuse the not so great clarity) ~Jessie