Well, I am making the wallpaper go away and then I am going to bring it back..in a very Darcy Pearl way. Both guest houses on the property are head to toe covered in horrible wallpaper. Even the light switches.
ModBarn Designs » Wood
The Customer Who Had It All... #interiordecorating #buttloadsofantiques
May 08, 2014
Get ready for a novel....Part 1 of 5 or maybe 6.
Vada emailed Kasey and I explaining that she had bought a house in August of 2013 and wanted our help to finish decorating. Before we scheduled a time to meet, we asked if we could look at her Pinterest account to get a feel for her style. Pinterest is a perfect tool to use for that purpose. Our first thoughts, "we got this!" Vada's style is "Hashtag". Antiques used in modern designs to create a clean homey environment.
The reason I titled this post "The customer who had it all" is because Vada had collected or inherited old pieces of nostalgia and antiques that Kasey & I treasure hunt for everyday. You will see what I am talking about in the next few posts.
Vada wanted a complete dining room, living room, breakfast nook, and entry way. We decided on a blue paint for the dining room walls and a light gray paint for the rest of the house. While Vada painted the walls and I think her husband took the SOME light switches down, Kasey & I started on the space planning for each room and working on a budget. We knew we would save alot of money by using the amazing antiques Vada already had for the small decorations and tchotchkes, so our first mission was to find the big furniture pieces.
Here are the before photos:
(these were taken with my oh so sad iPhone 4 so please excuse the not so great clarity) ~Jessie

Antique Telephone Table
Mar 10, 2014
1980's TV console transformed #tvconsole #reuse
Feb 27, 2014
Imagine a Saturday morning as a kid watching cartoons in the middle of the living room floor. Many of you will remember watching on one of these.
When a sweet lady offered this outdated TV set to me, I immediately thought of the one I had pinned on Pinterest. YES!
I started by gutting and ripping out all the parts to what used to be a working TV when it was placed in my possession.
A moment of silence while a few of you yell at me...
Ok back to the destruction. Here are a few pictures of some of the guts that got ripped out.
Then the painting began! I painted two coats on by hand then three coats of spray paint. Ahhh I love white paint on almost anything, clean, crisp and timeless!!!
Shelves were added and then the newest paint color I am obsessed with (Fish Pond by Behr), burlap and a new knob. Voila here's the final piece.
Come see her, I've named her Jennifer because it was the most popular girls name in 1984 at Wimberley this weekend! Booth 189.

All Pretty In Pink #VintageWindow #PrettyFabric
Feb 22, 2014
Even before Hashtag began, I loved fabrics. There is an old crate on the top shelf in my closet with the softest, oldest, vintage fabrics that I have fallen in love with over the years. The little old lady inside of me had to have those worn hankies, remnants, and colorful delicate tablecloths. Never planning to use them, just loving the fact that they are mine.
I got so excited when I was invited to the Austin Fabric Shop Hop 2014. Eight fabric stores in the Austin area participated. They offered special discounts, freebies, and tons of "high fives". I promise you when I say I touched probably 80% of the fabrics I saw today. So much inspiration flowed thru those patterns and textures. The windows below were my first projects with my new finds and tons more to come.
Old Green Window $75
Burlap Garland $25