Stage two of the Craigslist Customers...sounds like a title to a horror story. Pppsssttt...ask Kasey if she was really scared when I hid in one of the empty rooms and jumped out a scared her. Oh, good times.
Remember that budget, lets just say it saved us! So many times I would find a perfect piece ..refer back to budget...and then put that perfect piece into someone else's basket because it deserves a home and wasn't coming home with me. However, I do have to say the hard work of weeding through the too expensive and "yuck that's red" paid off!
I think Kasey and I are finally getting the hang of the "rotation" of our lives. Stock Austin Gift Company, fill customer orders, set up for Wimberley Market Days, then finally hit 71 Main on the way the Plano Antique Mall in Dallas. And repeat!!
While I am in Dallas, there are certain honey holes I always have to visit. Uptown Country is one of them. I picked up three chairs for a great price. Can't tell you how many requests a week we get for chairs. We have a customers request log and I am consistently on the prowl for you! I found old wood drawers to make in shelves and some items that will be a surprise!
And a trip to Dallas can't be completed with 73 trips to the restrooms. This picture was the cleanest we could find.