Let's start off with a prayer....Jesus, Help! Please move all the snakes and lizards to Kyle, Texas Amen! P.S. That includes baby "worms".
ModBarn Designs » Wreath
Stage Two CL Customers #InteriorDesign #HomeDecor
Sep 20, 2013
Stage two of the Craigslist Customers...sounds like a title to a horror story. Pppsssttt...ask Kasey if she was really scared when I hid in one of the empty rooms and jumped out a scared her. Oh, good times.
Remember that budget, lets just say it saved us! So many times I would find a perfect piece ..refer back to budget...and then put that perfect piece into someone else's basket because it deserves a home and wasn't coming home with me. However, I do have to say the hard work of weeding through the too expensive and "yuck that's red" paid off!